TBLeague TBLeague PL2020-170A Horus Guardian of Pharaoh - Golden Edition Horus Guardian of Pharaoh- Golden 1/6 Scale Action FigureHorus ,Egyptian god,Guardian of Pharaoh.He was in the form of a falcon whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and whose left eye was the moon or evening... EUR163.43 EUR155.55 Add to Wish list
HaoYuToys HHModel & HaoYuToys HH18016 Imperial Gladiator (Standard Edition) HHmodel & HaoYuTOYS: HH18016 1/6 Scale Empire Legion - Imperial Gladiator (Standard Edition) Configuration List: -1/6 Simulation Head Sculpture -Movable Body -8 Replacement Hands Clothing: -Helmet (metal) -Armor (metal) -Coat -Pants -Brown... EUR173.80 EUR165.51 Add to Wish list
POPToys POP Toys EX30B Benevolent Samurai (Deluxe Edition) POPTOYS EX030B 1/6 Benevolent Samurai (Deluxe Edition) “My eyes are as wide as a tiger's, he came here and across the ocean” EX030-B Deluxe Version: Head *1Body *1Hands *6Helmet *1Vizard *1Gorget *1Black Armor *1Shoulder Armor *2Kote... EUR260.91 Add to Wish list
HaoYuToys HaoyuToys H22030 1/12 Myth Series - Journey to the West: Masters & Apprentices Set HAOYUTOYS H22030 1/12 Myth Series - Journey to the West: Four Masters and Apprentices (Set Version) Configuration List: - 1/12 head carving*5 - Movable body*4 - 8 replacement hands - 6 replacement hands*3 - White Dragon Horse Clothing: - Top*4 -... EUR310.69 EUR300.32 Add to Wish list
303Toys 303Toys NB002 Naraka Bladepoint - Wuwei Marquis Yueshan (Exclusive Copper Version) 303TOYS 1/6 NB002 NARAKA BLADEPOINT - WUWEI MARQUIS YUESHAN (EXCLUSIVE COPPER VERSION) **The suit of armor is manually attached with nearly 500 pieces of copper sheets The 1/6 Yueshan (Exclusive Ver.) Special Features: - One (1) head sculpt of... EUR394.06 EUR383.69 Add to Wish list
Coomodel Coomodel NS011 Nightmare Series: Kirigakure Saizo of Brave Ten COOMODEL 1/6 NS011 NIGHTMARE SERIES (DIECAST ALLOY) - KIRIGAKURE SAIZO OF BRAVE TEN **The suit of armor is manually attached by sheets** The 1/6th scale Kirigakure Saizo Collectible Figure special features: - One (1) realistic head sculpture of... EUR252.61 Add to Wish list
POPToys POPTOYS EX037 Miyamoto Musashi POPTOYS 1/6 Scale EX037 Miyamoto Musashi Action Figure Parts List: Head*1Body*1Normal Arm*1 pairHold Sword Arm*1 pairPush-type Sword Arm*1 pairUnderwear*1Coat*1Pants*1 pairTabi*2Straw Sandals * 1 pairCorset * 1Wakizashi strap * 1Bamboo... EUR140.62 EUR136.88 Add to Wish list
Sold Out TBLeague TBLeague PL2021-177A Horus: God of the Sky (Golden) TBLEAGUE PL2021-177A Horus God of the Sky-Golden 1/6 Scale Action Figure Horus, Egyptian god, Guardian of Pharaoh. He was in the form of a falcon whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and whose left eye... EUR180.02 EUR173.80 SOLD OUT Add to Wish list
303Toys 303Toys MP009 Three Kingdoms Series - Marquis Guan Yu (Exclusive Version) 303TOYS MP009 1/6 THREE KINGDOMS SERIES - MARQUIS GUAN YU YUNCHANG, GOD OF WAR (EXCLUSIVE COPPER VERSION) **Pure copper parts include blade, sword, vambraces, cuishes, shoulder armors and belt buckle**The whole suit of armor is made of copper sheets,... EUR391.57 EUR385.76 Add to Wish list
VTS Toys VTS Toys VM036B Ghost of Battlefield (Collector’s Edition) VTS Toys VM036B Ghost of Battlefield (Collector’s Edition) 1/6 Scale Action Figure Product comes with: - Head sculpt and headband- Highly poseable body- 9 exclusive hands include:- A pair of hands for holding item(s)- A Pair of claw hands- A pair... EUR271.28 EUR269.62 Add to Wish list
POPToys POP Toys EX031B Brave Samurai UJIO (Collector's Edition) POPTOYS EX031-B 1/6 Brave Samurai UJIO Standard (Collector's Edition) **100% alloy-made,steel fish scale armor** Deluxe version list: Head*1Male body*1Gloved hands*2 pairBare hands*1 pairKerchief*1Black Ox horn helmet*1Mask*1Fish scale armor *1Fish... EUR260.91 EUR254.69 Add to Wish list
POPToys POPTOYS EX031A Brave Samurai UJIO (Standard Edition) POPTOYS 1/6 EX03-A Brave Samurai UJIO Standard **100% alloy-made,steel fish scale armor** Standard Version list: Head*1Male body*1Gloved hands*2 pairBare hands*1 pairKerchief*1Fish scale armor *1Fish scale shoulder armor*2Arm... EUR231.87 EUR228.14 Add to Wish list
HaoYuToys HHModel & HaoYuToys HH18020 Imperial Army Camp Flag Bearer HHMODEL x HAOYUTOYS HH18020 1/6 Scale Imperial Army - Camp Flag Bearer Action Figure Configuration List: - 1/6 artificial head sculpture - 1/6 movable body - 8 replacement hands Clothing: - Coat - Chain mail - Pants - Animal head cloak -... EUR182.10 Add to Wish list
POPToys POP Toys EX029 Ishida Mitsunari Red Armor & Accessories POPTOYS 1/6 EX029 Ishida Mitsunari Red Armor and Accessories Package Product List: Head *1Helmet *1Vizard *1Gorget *1Red Armor *1Shoulder Armor *2Kote *2Cuish *2Jambeau *2Shirt *1Pants *1 pairBelt *1Red shoulder pad *1Haori *1Sandals *1 pairKatana... EUR202.84 EUR194.96 Add to Wish list
Coomodel Coomodel SE073 Series Of Empires Kulamayama Soujoubou Daitengu (Sura Ver) COOMODEL NO.SE073 1/6 SERIES OF EMPIRES (DIECAST ALLOY) - KULAMAYAMA SOUJOUBOU DAITENGU (SURA VERSION) - The whole suit of armor is built of manually-attched clips, 100% alloy-made - Edges of swords are made of stainless steel - Pictures are based on... EUR275.43 EUR265.47 Add to Wish list
Sonder Sonder SD005 Song Dynasty Series - General of Army Yue SONDER SD005 - 1/6 Scale Figure - Song Dynasty Series - General of Army Yue **The armor is made of pure copper** Configuration: 1. Movable body x12. Hands x53. Helmet x14. Suit of uniform of Song Dynasty x15. Underwear+Pants x16. Wrist protector... EUR238.10 EUR227.73 Add to Wish list